    I read this wonderful book at beginning of career around Jan 2010. I had read this, followed and does manually cross-compiled, entire Linux system. Along with http://trac.cross-lfs.org/, I was able to set up a tiny embedded Linux system. I clearly explains properly setting up root file system (rfs). Also, explains about flash file system, rt patch etc...

    This experience in building embedded Linux system, helps me to understand in depth of various subjects packages, permissions of files, and of course helps me understand various build tools such as Openembedded. This book is very much useful even now... However, I recommand you to read this book, only when you have lots of time. But better start with http://trac.cross-lfs.org/ and try to understand openembedded/yocto, which is becoming de-facto standard in building embedded linux systems. 
This is based on the article http://arduino.cc/playground/Code/Kdevelop and http://www.tmpsantos.com.br/en/2010/12/arduino-uno-ubuntu-cmake/. But no need  to refer to these links.

Just download this file, and copy to /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdevappwizard/templates . Thats all, now in you kdevelop, create your arduino project from this template. Thus, you can able to do advanced projects with the help of cmake build system and keep you code under version control. This is perfectly works under ubuntu.

File Size: 2 kb
File Type: bz2
Download File

    Kdevelop is good IDE for c++ and other stuff. You can get more details at http://kdevelop.org/. 
    Mercurial version control plugin is not added by default. It is under development. You add this support to kdevelop IDE by compiling the plugin and make install. The actual procedure is as follows:   

1. Get the source code from https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/devtools/plugins/kdev-mercurial/repository.     

2. Make a directory called build inside the source code. 

3. cd into the build directory    

4. cmake ../ 

5. make 

6. make install. 

    In some distributions, this may not add the plugin to kdevelop. This can be fixed by eidting cmakelist of root directory. 

Add the following to the CMakeLists.txt at top of the file. (For ubuntu, for other distribution you should locate the respective directroy)

set(SERVICES_INSTALL_DIR /usr/share/kde4/services)
set(DATA_INSTALL_DIR /usr/share/kde4/apps)
set(PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR /usr/lib/kde4)

Now follow step 3 to 6. 

Thats all. You can now have the mercurial support for kdevelop. 

    Started exploring unity2D. Unity 2D is an implementation of Unity using Qt and QML.
    I searched for a good and active opensouce project to explore and involve in it. This unity2D meets all my requirements, "The project should be cross-platform and be based upon Qt". I believe the skills I going to acquire will be useful for both the embedded GUI development and Desktop versions. As of now I am involving in writing programs for hardware, I will be actively exploring unity2D after second week of August.